Moldavite helps to create dramatic changes for the better in every area of one’s life. This gemstone is surging with energy that provides a refreshing boost to its keeper. Keep this crystal close, and you won’t be able to deny its impact on your life. It puts things into warp drive and instigates change at an alarming rate.
The healing properties of Moldavite include the following:
This Tektite has an extremely high vibration, which opens, clears blockages from, and aligns the Chakras.
Moldavite resonates with the Crown Chakra, opening it up to receive the highest spiritual guidance.
Placed on the throat, Moldavite communicates interplanetary messages, especially concerning the state of the ecology of Earth and its need for healing.
Placed on the third eye, Moldavite can enable you to go forward into the future or back into the past. It facilitates journeys to other lives if this is appropriate. Rather than returning to the past to relive a life, expect to regain spiritual wisdom or journey to the before-incarnation state to access purpose. Moldavite shows you future potential. Under the influence of Moldavite, you can go forward to a future life to see the results of actions taken in the present life, to learn what is needed in the present life, or to learn what is necessary in the present life in order to prevent destruction in the future.
Moldavite brings you into communication with your higher self. This gemstone has its own cosmic oversoul, which can put you in touch with the Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers.
Moldavite assists in developing detachment from mundane, earthbound security issues such as money and worries for the future. The gem provides an overview of reasons for incarnating and contacts your spiritual purpose, integrating this into earthly life. The stone helps to support our qualities, such as empathy and compassion.
Moldavite is unconventional and inspiring, bringing unexpected solutions forward. It can awaken latent memories and access spiritual information through the intellect. It releases fixed ideas and archaic belief systems and can neutralise hypnotic commands.
Holding Moldavite may trigger a massive rush of energy through the body that has powerful metaphysical effects. The crystal “downloads” information from the Akashic Record and the light body, which must be processed and made conscious. This process may take some time, but the process accelerates spiritual growth and raises personal vibrations.